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Olden Songs

Affordable Barbershop arrangements of Public Domain and original songs by Harry Buerer.

Tags - FREE

Men's Arrangements

Women's Arrangements

Mixed Arrangements


Perfect for the new barbershop chorus or quartet that has a limited budget for repertoire, this site deals only with public domain and original songs, so there are no copyright issues to deal with. If you see an arrangement that interests you, download it and look it over. Try it out. When you decide to use it, come to this site and pay for the arrangements you want. For quartets and choruses up to 30 active members the cost per arrangement is $9.99. For choruses 30-60 the cost is $19. And for choruses larger than 60 the cost is $29. There is no per-copy fee. If the chart includes tracks, you can get those for an extra $25. We guarantee that the tracks match the charts.

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